Equine Boarding in Sugar Land, Texas

Diamond C Stables provides the very best in care and attention to the horses in their program. They bring experience, knowledge and sound business principles to provide the very best environment for your horse. They utilize the highest standard of morals, discretion, honesty, and integrity. This team brings you boarding services you can trust and a relationship you can rely on. We live on the property so there is 24/7 monitoring of the barns.


Starting at $465 per month

  • Top quality grain 2x daily

  • Top quality hay 2x daily

  • Fresh, clean water at all times

  • Spacious stall with attached run

  • Daily stall cleaning

  • Blanketing with client-provided blanket as needed

  • 6 day per week turnout

  • Handling for farrier and veterinarian

  • Secure tack storage

  • Horse trailer parking

  • Available trailering services

  • Access to all on-site facilities


Starting at $185 per month

  • Morning feeding of client-provided and prepared grain and/or hay

  • Spacious stall with attached run

  • Client-provided grain and hay storage

  • Available 6 day per week turnout

  • Secure tack storage

  • Horse trailer parking

  • Available trailering services

  • Access to all on-site facilities

Extra Care Options*

  • Extra days of turnout

  • Evening feeding

  • Fly control available

  • Stall maintenance

  • Grooming services

  • Exercise programs

  • Two round bales in the pasture for $15 per month

Call Barn Manager for Pricing